Tuesday, March 18, 2008

And more things to say goodbye to

According to the NYT, the Sacramento River Chinook salmon who go up the river every year have vanished without a trace this year.
The almost complete collapse of the richest and most dependable source of Chinook salmon south of Alaska left gloomy fisheries experts struggling for reliable explanations — and coming up dry.

Things continue to look not very optimistic for the Montessori program. The school district can (and it sounds like, will) require that the teachers in it at least have begun or agree to begin the credentialing process, but it's a 2-year minimum program and it's hard to imagine they will be able to maintain the same level of quality for the program if they bump out the current teachers. There is another meeting tonight to discuss the issue.

We had a nice weekend. My father and stepmother were here, and we took them around various Davis institutions such as the farmer's market, the arboretum, and a Little League game (Owen's of course). We ate dinner at Aioli, a Spanish restaurant, and had some good tapas. The delicious roasted vegetables in particular were inspiring. I tried a modified version last night with some limited success.


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