School year is drawing to a close...
The last day of school is June 12. This past Saturday was the big school carnival, Spring Fling. It was around 101 degrees - a bit much for spending most of the day outdoors! The kids had a good time, though, playing lots of games and running around with their friends. I worked at the snack booth for a while, and there was a constant line of people wanting to buy water, which we kept running out of.
Owen's team is in the baseball playoffs. They played their first playoff game last night and, somewhat surprisingly, won 7-0. They have 3 scheduled playoff games - the next one not for another 10 days - but if they win 2 of the 3 they will get to play other games.
This weekend we will be heading to the Bay Area for a little R&R. On Saturday we will be spending the day and night in San Francisco, and Sunday night we will be in Palo Alto visiting with my friend Alexandra and her 1 year old boy. We return to Davis Monday.