Tuesday, August 14, 2007


Owen's friend Caleb came over this afternoon (and just left). We went to the library, played baseball at the park, and then came back and the kids were having popsicles on the porch. While eating a popsicle, Owen swallowed his loose tooth! Caleb suggested he write a letter to the tooth fairy explaining the problem, so I guess he may do that.

This week they're in a camp called California Explorations. Yesterday they made a building foundation that was earthquake resistant, involving putting four marshmallows between two pieces of cardboard. If not up to code, it was at least tasty.


At 10:01 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Tell Owen that I remember
accidently swallowing a tooth at about his age, and
stood on my head a lot for the rest of the day so I would have something to show the tooth fairy. No luck, but somehow the tooth fairy learned about my tooth loss, and left money under my pillow that night.


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