Friday, July 14, 2006


We're now up to about 8 or so for the birthday party, so it looks like it will work out after all.

I'm in the middle of reading Last Child in the Woods: Saving Our Children from Nature Deficit Disorder, by Richard Louv, who is a columnist based in San Diego. It's a pretty interesting book. I thought it would be probably mainly anecdotal, but he actually cites quite a bit of research about the types of places children enjoy playing (typically the wilder edges of parks rather than the manicured parts) and the benefits of spending time in nature for kids.

Owen had a new friend over yesterday whom he met at baseball camp. It was pretty hot, so they enjoyed hitting the ball and then sliding on the slip 'n' slide into "second base." They were giving each other coaching gestures, swinging their little arms around like crazy to tell the other person to keep running and putting hands out to encourage them to slide. It was funny.

We've had a nice few days, in the mid 80s, but it is supposed to be 100 for at least the next five days.


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